Monday, December 8, 2008

Introduction 12/8/08

Tremble mortal at the glory that is the White Rose blog!

Now that you are done shaking in fear you should know that this blog will be hosting the development cycle for the White Rose series. The White Rose is a campaign of epic proportion that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world devoid of hope and faith.

You can check up on this blog to see how the development of the White Rose is going. Currently part two, The Search for Paradise, is in development. Updates should come once every week or so.

Wish Team Jolly luck, we'll certainly need it!


Lariam said...

Good luck!

Jclef said...

Sweet pic!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Just saw your post on bioware forum (SOZ Toolset bug). Left a response to it there. Hope the suggestions help to fix the problem.


Jolly Jenkins said...

I've seen your post on the bio boards. Thanks for helping out. Luckily the problem wasn't that bad. I just had a couple of bad custom 2da files.

And I would thank everyone else for the encouragement.